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Lionsology specializes in career counseling and leadership development. Our tailored programs navigate career challenges, enhance leadership skills, and achieve professional goals. Whether you need career guidance or leadership coaching, Lionsology offers tailored support on your journey to success.

Career Counseling

Finding a career coach is a personal decision that should be made based on the coach's credentials, the types of clients they have served, and measurable outcomes. It’s an investment, not an expense.

Coaches aren’t necessary for everyone, either. Many times a few pointers and having the client consider a new approach is all that is needed to jump-start them into transformation. 

Elizabeth doesn’t accept all clients. 

Programs are structured in nature with outcomes based on the client’s goals and desires. 

Leadership Development

It's difficult to feel engaged and energized at work, whether as a leader or an individual contributor. Constant change and problems can lead to burnout.

Elizabeth believes leaders must cultivate a unity mindset, which will positively influence all aspects of life.


Unity means being united or joined as a whole, but our world and workplaces are far from unified. We often fight over unity and misinterpret diversity, which can create division, anger, competition, and paranoia at work.


A leader with mastery over their mind can inspire and radiate unity to those around them.

It starts with the leader looking within.

Speaker Presentations

ROI of A Speaker


Obtaining a speaker for a conference, webinar or corporate event may be easy, but measuring the ROI and effectiveness may not be so easy.


 A good speaker can ignite passion, bring new insights and even teach new concepts to an organization. But if the goals aren't outlined, you might end up with a lot of fluff and no follow-through. 


Elizabeth's presentations end with actionable tips and tricks that are easy takeaways for the audience to implement easily. She is open to doing webinars for associations, live presentations and conferences. Most content is job search related or leadership development topics. All audience sizes are welcomed. 


Does this sound like you?

  • Unemployed

  • Totally Disillusioned and unsatisfied  by work

  • Employed and looking for a better company culture

  • Passed for the promotion

  • Underpaid and overworked

  • Uncertain - The company did layoffs - and you don't want to be next

  • Unfulfilled - Work is no longer your 'happy place'

  • Confused - You're concerned about your perception at work

  • Stuck applying to jobs with no one answering

  • Worried about your age and future employment opportunities

  • Struggling with the concept of networking

  • Fearful that you have fewer valuable contacts than other people

  • Turned down for job offers at the final stage 

  • Concerned because  you been out of work longer than you ever expected 

  • Watching your company go through an acquisition - and wonder if you'll get laid off

  • Uncomfortable in interviews because it feels like bragging 

  • Over 40 or 50 and worried you lost your edge

  • Are a woman who has confidence issues around work

  • New to leadership and way over your head

  • An employee who got a bad review - and needs to turn things around - quickly! 

Does this Sound like You?

  • Tired of running from emergency to emergency without getting things done

  • Overwhelmed by the demands of leadership and the hours they are putting in

  • Promoted and want to hit the ground running

  • Suffer from imposture syndrome

  • Passed over for the promotion to Manager, Director or Vice President – and don’t understand why

  • Want to increase their probability of a promotion

  • Experience burnout and want to transition

  • Interested in self-growth and self-improvement around leadership

  • Want to stop riding the emotional ups and downs of work

  • Want to increase their ability to effectively communicate and/or influence

  • Got hard feedback that they are difficult to work with

  • Have a lot of turnover- and it is now reflecting on their performance

  • Tasked with building a new team or culture and unsure how to do that

  • Want self-mastery – over their emotions and have more strategic thinking


Speaker Events

Does this sound like you?

As a seasoned career coach, I specialize in delivering impactful presentations for job seekers and professionals seeking leadership training. My tailored sessions equip individuals with essential skills for career advancement and effective leadership. Through engaging, actionable insights, I empower job seekers to navigate the job market confidently and help aspiring leaders develop strategies for success. With a focus on real-world applications, my talks inspire and guide professionals to achieve their career goals and excel in their roles.

Presentations include:

  • Chat GPT and the Job Hunt

  • How To Get Invited Into The Boy's Club- And Why That Matters

  • Economic Job Trends Job Seekers Can Expect in 2024

  • With AI Where Will The Future Jobs Be? 

  • Change Management- Change From Within 

How To Be Happy At Work

(for no reason)

Make the choice to start your journey to success today. 

Lionsology © 2024 

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